Thursday, February 24, 2011

Serra do Caramulo

Located almost halfway between Serra da Estrela and Aveiro, Caramulo has a wonderful view. On a clear day you can see the Atlantic and Serra da Estrela. It was a bit cloudy, but you can make out Serra da Estrela in the distance.

 Apparently some people didn't get "high" enough :P
 You can see Serra da Estrela well here.
 I went to the Museum in Caramulo- they have a Picasso and Dali there, and a transportation museum also. These handsome chaps caught my eye.
The museum was having a WW2 propaganda exhibit. Posters from France, USA, England, Russia, Germany. I really enjoyed this exhibit. I thought of my dad when I took the shot of this poster. That's his motto  on tool care whether its war time or not!


  1. Ola Bete, eu gosto muito de suas fotographias! Estas usar o bicicleta velha de Avo Pata? Nos devemos fazer a volta a Portugal em bicicleta algum dia.

  2. Sim, estou usar a bicicleta, mas da Avo Ribeiro! O bicicleta do Avo Pata ainda esta pendurada no display...e um antique. Eu gostava muito dar um volta de Portugal em bicicleta- ja vistes-te a blog sobre um homen que andou 100 dias na bicicleta em Portugal no verao passado? Aqui esta o link:

    Estou contente gostastes das imagens! Espera tudo esta bem consigo. Um grande abraco~
